Proudly serving the following counties:

Baca, Bent, Crowley, Custer, Fremont, Kiowa, Huerfano,  Las Animas, Otero, Prowers, and Pueblo


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AHEC Scholars

AHEC Scholars Program

Low-Cost Evidence Based Programs | Since 1978

Apply Here!


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A Unique Learning Experience for Healthcare Students

AHEC Scholars is presented by Southeastern Colorado AHEC. The AHEC Scholars curriculum focuses on providing education to health professions students regarding rural and medically underserved communities.

Scholars will participate in 40 hours per year of team-based training (that may be a part of their current required curriculum) and 40 hours per year of instruction (in addition to the current required curriculum) focused on the eight U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Area Health Education Centers Core Topic Areas. SECAHEC will provide a one-year follow up after graduation or program. 

Southeastern Colorado AHEC is partnering with statewide colleges to offer this program to students who are currently in a healthcare program. Please call us or apply here:


If you have questions, you may also call Shanae Gutierrez or Caroline Paul or email them at or

eight hrsa Core topic areas

AHEC Scholars will be nationally known as possessing a desirable set of competencies. Learning opportunities will include:

  1. Interprofessional Education
  2. Behavioral Health Integration
  3. Connecting Communities & Supporting Health Professionals
  4. Virtual Learning & Telehealth
  5. Social Determinants of Health
  6. Cultural Competency
  7. Practice Transformation
  8. Current & Emerging Health Issues
  • Maternal Morbidity and Mortality (MMM)
  • Opioid & Polysubstance Use Disorder
  • Dental Health

Benefits of AHEC Scholars

  • Network with healthcare students and providers.
  • Learning alongside healthcare students and providers from many disciplines and regions of Colroado.
  • Gain current knowledge about healthcare practice transformation currently being implemented.
  • Add to your resume or CV.
  • Stand out from other job applicants
  • Make a difference in rural and underserved communities

Congratulations to our 2024 Graduates!

Amber Oakes, Ben Keller, Brittany Casados-Doose, Brianna Toles, Ethan Groves, Heather Santistevan, Megan Melendez, and Sarah Davis

General Documents/Links

Alternative Learning Opportunities

  • Mini Med Sessions Here
  • Apply to attend current sessions or watch previous recordings for credit.
  • Colorado Trust Videos
  • Health Equity Videos
Cohort 7 Application Here!!!
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Learn More About

Southeastern Colorado AHEC

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